Une nouvelle forme de recherche est en marche : la recherche décentralisée et
L'étude Auto-Eva-Lup sera prochainement mise en place sur le Lupus par l’équipe de Médecine Interne de l’Hôpital Européen de Marseille et permettra la participation de tout patient lupique quel que soit son lieu de résidence sur le territoire français.

Tailored insurance for
every stage of life.
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
Mental Health
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
All about
This is a space to share more about the business. Take advantage of this long text to tell people who's behind it, what it does, how it began, and other details. It's an excellent place to share the story behind the business and describe what this site has to offer its visitors.
You can write about the business's history here, from its founding until now. Draw readers in with an engaging narrative. By telling its story, you can help people connect to the business. Share what inspired its creation and what need it was meant to fill. You can include details of the obstacles it overcame to get where it is today.
This space is also a good spot to talk about a particular feature of the business that sets it apart from its competitors. Explain to readers what makes this business unique and why they should choose it over other options. Focus on the value this business can offer its users.
Let visitors to this website know that they'll find what they're looking for right here. Present the business as the solution to a specific problem and highlight the ways the business's products or services can make life better for people.
Outline the business's mission and core values. Describe the principles that drive its work and the standards it upholds. In a few words, explain the impact this business has had, or hopes to have, on its community and the world.
Tell readers how the business puts its users first. Emphasize how it looks out for them, finding solutions to meet their needs and keep them satisfied. Reassure prospective clients and customers that they won't regret choosing the business's services or products.

Our goal is to protect what you care about most
This is the space to introduce visitors to the business or brand. Briefly explain who's behind it, what it does and what makes it unique. Share its core values and what this site has to offer.
Strength that speaks for itself
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.
What our clients are saying

This is the space to share a review from one of the business's clients or customers.
Leah Yurfset

This is the space to share a review from one of the business's clients or customers.
Roy Gold

This is the space to share a review from one of the business's clients or customers.
Nela Yliuay
You're probably
Qu'est-ce qu'une section FAQ?Une section FAQ peut être utilisée pour répondre rapidement aux questions fréquemment posées sur votre entreprise. Par exemple, «Proposez-vous la livraison?», «Quelles sont vos heures d'ouverture?», «Comment puis-je réserver un service?».
Pourquoi les FAQ sont-elles importantes?Les FAQ sont un excellent moyen d'aider les visiteurs à trouver rapidement des réponses aux questions courantes sur votre entreprise et de créer une meilleure expérience de navigation sur votre site.
Où puis-je ajouter mes FAQ?Les FAQ peuvent être ajoutées à n'importe quelle page de votre site ou sur votre appli mobile Wix.
Comment puis-je ajouter une nouvelle question/réponse?Pour ajouter une nouvelle question/réponse, suivez ces étapes: 1. Depuis le tableau de bord ou l'Éditeur, cliquez sur le bouton «Gérer la FAQ». 2. Cliquez sur «Ajouter», puis sélectionnez «Question/Réponse». 3. Choisissez une catégorie pour votre question/réponse. 4. Enregistrez et publiez. Vous pouvez modifier votre FAQ à tout moment.
Puis-je ajouter une image, une vidéo ou un GIF à ma FAQ?Oui. Pour ajouter un média, suivez ces étapes: 1. Depuis le tableau de bord ou l'Éditeur, cliquez sur le bouton «Gérer la FAQ». 2. Créez une nouvelle question/réponse ou modifiez-en une existante. 3. Dans la zone de texte de la réponse, cliquez sur l'icône Vidéo, Image ou GIF. 4. Ajoutez le média depuis votre bibliothèque puis enregistrez.
Comment puis-je modifier ou retirer le titre «Questions fréquemment posées»?Depuis l'Éditeur, rendez-vous dans l'onglet «Paramètres» de la FAQ. Depuis l'appli Wix Owner, rendez-vous dans l'onglet Site et appli.